About the ICONZ
International Conference of Zakat (ICONZ) is an International Conference aims at bringing scholars and practitioners together to discuss zakat in modern era. We welcome the sharing of knowledge resulting related to zakat and Islamic social finance from research from various fields including from inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary perspectives. We aim to create an ideal zakat environment for the discussion, exploration and reflection of key issues that are shaping the world through our series of conferences and publications.
ICONZ held annually, our Annual Conference provides an important opportunity for practitioners and researchers in zakat to not only network and learn but also to debate and vote on new policy. This is our signature and zakat exclusive forum yearly event - bringing together zakat practitioners, local government, external stakeholders and media. Additionally, the ICONZ consists of two days of full plenary, split plenary and parallel sessions where participants will immerse themselves in the zakat challenges discussion.
Website: www.iconzbaznas.com