Enhance the Attractiveness of LAZNAS Through a Quality Agricultural Empowerment Program in the Digital Era (Descriptive Analysis on LAZNAS Al-Azhar Indonesia) The 2nd ICONZ 2018 - Proceedings

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Lila Pangestu Hadiningrum Ning Karna Wijaya


BAZNAS has the ability to optimize the potential of zakat in the digital era. The utilization of digital content becomes one of the strategies to increase the attractiveness of LAZNAS. Increasing the role of digital influenced by the quality of display as well as the quality of content displayed. LAZNAS strengthens the quality of content by displaying featured programs. This study aims to determine efforts to increase the attractiveness of LAZNAS through the excellent programs of agricultural empowerment conducted by LAZNAS Al-Azhar in the digital era. This research uses descriptive qualitative research, using primary and secondary data sources. Data collection techniques with observation and documentation. The agriculture empowerment program of LAZNAS is an economic empowerment program in the agriculture sector that has been recognized and modeled by strategic partners such as BI, OJK, LIPI and others. Agriculture empowerment LAZNAS Al-Azhar is a qualified program with a concept that is structured, comprehensive, measurable, integrated, and sustainable. Agriculture empowerment program of LAZNAS Al-Azhar become the attraction by placing the program in the main view in every digital media utilized by LAZNAS Al-Azhar. “Gemilang Village” into the realization of an empowerment program targeting communities in proverty alleviation comprehensively. Creative ideas of agrobusiness development are developed to improve the quality and attractiveness of the program.


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Hadiningrum, L. P., & Wijaya, N. K. (2019, February 18). Enhance the Attractiveness of LAZNAS Through a Quality Agricultural Empowerment Program in the Digital Era (Descriptive Analysis on LAZNAS Al-Azhar Indonesia). Indonesian Conference of Zakat - Proceedings. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.37706/iconz.2018.120