Optimization Optimization Analysis of Zakat Fund Collection Management Learning from Muslim Majority Countries

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Aftuqa Sholikatur Rohmania Widiyanto Bin Mislan Cokrohadisumarto


Zakat has an important role in increasing the country's economic growth. Indonesia is a Muslim-majority country that has great potential for the social and economic changes of the low-income people. However, the implementation of zakat collection is still known to be low, far from the expected number. The zakat fund collection is an obstacle because the potential of zakat in Indonesia has not been realized properly. Therefore, this study aims to obtain an effective zakat fund collection management model. The study used a qualitative and analytical approach where the data were obtained through in-depth interviews. The research sample is 8 managers of zakat institutions in Semarang City. The results of the study show that to optimize the collection of zakat fund, internal and external control of zakat management are needed. The results of internal control are through the expansion of the operation area for collecting zakat fund, adequate organizational structure and improve managerial and financial systems. While external control is through cooperating with other parties in collecting zakat fund and marketing strategies using online and offline systems.


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How to Cite
Rohmania, A., & Cokrohadisumarto, W. B. M. (2022, February 4). Optimization Optimization Analysis of Zakat Fund Collection Management. Indonesian Conference of Zakat - Proceedings, 243-256. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.37706/iconz.2021.277