The Effectiveness of Zakat Distribution through Microfinance to Women Mustahiq Case Study on BMFI BAZNAS Indonesia

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Thifalni Nadhifah Ummu Salma Al Azizah Zulpahmi Zulpahmi


Now a days, many women are the backbone of their family's economy. Some women want to help their families get out of poverty. Therefore, women's empowerment is now needed to recover from economic downturn. Distributing productive zakat funds is the greatest opportunity to help poor women. Productive zakat will help poor women become financially independent. The productive zakat program not only distributes zakat and helps mustahiq become an entrepreneur, but also provides guidance to mustahiq. The distribution of productive zakat can have a significant impact on mustahiq's life. Women's empowerment today is a great help in reviving the initially weak family economy. A form of productive zakat funding distribution is microfinance. BMFi BAZNAS is one of Indonesia's microfinance institutions that handles the distribution of Zakat funds as the business capital of mustahiq. This study focuses on the distribution of zakat by microfinance to women mustahiq. The respondents sampled for this study were 100 Mustahiq women.


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How to Cite
Nadhifah, T., Al Azizah, U., & Zulpahmi, Z. (2022, January 28). The Effectiveness of Zakat Distribution through Microfinance to Women Mustahiq. Indonesian Conference of Zakat - Proceedings, 79-88.