Analysis of the Behavior and Characteristics of Millennial Employees in Jakarta Province and West Java Province Towards the Payment of Zakat on Income and Services

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Miryati Safitri Achmad Firdaus Ahmad Levi Fachrul Avivy Muhammad Hasbi Zaenal


Research purposes - This study aims to analyze the determinants of millennial employees’ decisions in the Provinces of DKI Jakarta and West Java on the payment of zakat on income and services. The study analyzed the behavioral variables of millennial employees which included zakat literacy, the influence of social media and religiosity and the characteristic factors of millennial employees which included: muzakki education level, type of institution where zakat was paid, frequency of zakat payments, and experience in zakat as factors for millennial employees in doing decision to pay zakat on income and services.


Research methods – The millennial working population is represented by residents aged 20 - 39 years. The distribution of questionnaires is done through Google forms. Respondents who filled out the questionnaire were 400 persons whom 64 people of them live in DKI Jakarta Province and 64 people of them live in West Java Province. Data analysis using SEM PLS.


Results – The decision to pay zakat on income and services among millennial employees  in DKI Jakarta Province and West Java Province is influenced by social media and religiosity factors. Information about zakat on social media is believed to be valid by the millennial generation so that it becomes a determining factor in paying zakat on income and services. Another factor that determines the millennial generation in paying zakat on income and services is the literacy aspect, namely understanding the amount of zakat and the terms in zakat, mustahik, muzakki, amil, nishab. Furthermore, millennials who regularly follow studies on Islam tend to pay more attention to paying zakat on income and services. Thus, the aspect of religiosity becomes one of the determining factors. Then the decision to pay zakat on income and services among millennial employees is also influenced by factors of education level, type of zakat payment preference institution, frequency of zakat payment, and experience in zakat. Where the higher the education, the higher the ability to pay zakat and trust in zakat management institutions/institutions are also believed to be factors for millenials as muzakki to pay zakat. Then the frequency of zakat payments that have been made and experience in paying zakat are believed to have an influence in the decision to pay zakat on income and services.


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How to Cite
Safitri, M., Firdaus, A., Levi Fachrul Avivy, A., & Hasbi Zaenal, M. (2022, January 28). Analysis of the Behavior and Characteristics of Millennial Employees in Jakarta Province and West Java Province Towards the Payment of Zakat on Income and Services. Indonesian Conference of Zakat - Proceedings, 101-114.