The Charity Toxic Phenomenon: The Problems of Mustahik’s Dependency on Zakat Fund in West Java

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Ozka Muhammad Fajrin Dina Fitrianti Fadilah Dewi Fitrianti Hudzwah Dwike Putri Erlinda Maharani Rachman Rida Rosida


Zakat is one of the instruments to alleviate the problem of poverty. Misuse of zakat funds occurs among mustahik due to a lack of understanding about zakat, and there is an element of deliberate mustahik in using zakat funds for pleasure and personal interests. This research aims to explain the distribution mechanism, problems in distribution, factors that influence dependency, and provide analysis and solutions to policy holders in overcoming the problem of dependency on zakat funds. This research used a mixed method combining quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results of this research show a correlation between cognitive processes, enviromental factors, and cultural background and mustahik dependence behavior. On the other hand, this research also explains the characteristics of the community, or mustahik, when receiving zakat funds. According to the research that has been carried out, it is possible to conclude that this research identifies misuse of zakat funds received by mustahik in West Java, which is caused by several factors, including lack of motivation to work, limited knowledge regarding the main purpose of distributing zakat funds, a supportive environment for dependent on zakat funds, as well as the spiritual limitations they have.



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How to Cite
Fajrin, O., Fitrianti, D., Fitrianti, F., Putri, H., Rachman, E., & Rosida, R. (2024, May 3). The Charity Toxic Phenomenon: The Problems of Mustahik’s Dependency on Zakat Fund in West Java. Indonesian Conference of Zakat - Proceedings, 76-83.