The 7th Indonesian Conference on Zakat, ICONZ 2023, emerges as a responsive and visionary forum, Under the compelling theme, "Building Bridges to Economic Prosperity: Zakat's Role in Driving Inclusive and Sustainable Transformation," ICONZ 2023 seeks to explore and amplify the transformative capacities of zakat within the context of a rapidly changing world. This conference aims to provide a dynamic platform where scholars, practitioners, policymakers, and thought leaders from across the globe can convene to explore, deliberate, and strategize on leveraging zakat to drive inclusive development. The discussions from the 7th ICONZ are expected to become applicable recommendations for zakat management so that the collection, distribution, and empowerment of zakat funds can create resilience within the community, especially for the mustahiq affected by the pandemic which can eventually lead to social welfare.


Published: 2024-06-28

The Influence of Transparency and Social Media on Zakat Payment Intentions in LAZISMU Central

Muhammad Nur Al Fatih Ilham, Ali Idrus, Nurhadi ., Rini Fatma Kartika


Zakat and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Muhammad Raihan Gunawan, Aam Slamet Rusydiana


Is Zakat Fund Management Better Post-Merger Islamic Bank?

Ainul Fatha Isman, Muh Ahsan Kamil, Muhammad Hasbi Zaenal


Enterprise Operational Risk Management Of Zakat Organization In Surakarta

Selma Ferena, Ely Windarti Hastuti, Nadia Rizqi, Salysya Dzakiyah Al-Abidah


The Charity Toxic Phenomenon: The Problems of Mustahik’s Dependency on Zakat Fund in West Java

Ozka Muhammad Fajrin, Dina Fitrianti, Fadilah Dewi Fitrianti, Hudzwah Dwike Putri, Erlinda Maharani Rachman, Rida Rosida


The Strategy Development of Ecopreneurship Through Utilization of Productive Zakat

Syamsuri ., Ahmad Havid Jakiyudin, Vina Fithriana Wibisono


The Problems Of Zakat Management In Indonesia

Solikhul Hadi, Kharis Fadlullah Hana


The Role of Baitulmal as Department of Finance Through Fiscal Policy: Zakat as an Instrument

Nurul Hilmiyah, Muhammad Umar Izzuddin, Popy Francisca Waraswasti


Empowering Zakat Funds for the development of MSMEs

Nurul Hilmiyah, Septiana Nurul Kharimah, Afifah Farha, Alvira Alvira


Community Empowerment through Micro Business Assistance Program at the RPI Mosque in South Jakarta

Muhammad Yudi Ali Akbar, Suhartini Ashari, Dede Fahruroji, Hasanuddin Rahman


Determinant Factors to Pay Zakat in BAZNAS Yogyakarta City

Sri Igamawarni, Rofiul Wahyudi; Mufti Alam Adha, Dina Febriani Darmansyah, Pribawa E Pantas


Analysis of Zakat Fund Distribution in the Depok Cerdas Program

Indah Permata Sari, Sultan Antus Nasrudin Muhammad


Integrating Zakat into Indonesian Fiscal System: a Propose Solution to Budget Deficit Program

Amar Fachruddin, Muhammad Fiqih Rizqi Chandra, Ihsanul Ikhwan


Zakat Environment: A Bibliometric Analysis

Eko Kurniawan, Hasna Mumtaz Nastiti, Reza Awaliah Ali


Interconnection of Productive Zakat Management in the Development of the Mustahik Halal Industry in Indonesia

Abdul Rachman, Iti Septi, Martavevi Azwar; Shofiah Tidjani, Didi Suardi, Syamsul Asmedi


Productive Zakat Trend Analysis: A Bibliometric and Research Map From 2014 - 2023

Lia Fitria, Muhammad Arsyi Bamazruk, Aam Slamet Rusydiana


A Decade of Zakat Compliance Research: a Bibliometric Approach by Using VOS Viewer

Gista Rismayani, Bambang Agus Pramuka, Dona Primasari


Proposed Distribution of Zakat Fii Sabilillah Category for International Achievement Students Islamic Boarding School

Muhamad Fauzi, Aselina Endang Triastuti, Emmy Hamidiyah, Ita Sitasari, Raden Ali Pangestu


Review of People's Behavior in Paying Zakat in Indonesia: Efforts to Minimize The Impact of The Economic Crisis With A Planned Behavior Theory Approach

Muhartsal Raihan, Shelviani Dwi Putri, Rafif Aufa Fadhilah, Naura Agfa Maliha, Ummu Salma Al-Azizah


Prophetic Management for Zakat Distribution

Zainul Arief, Giri Cahyono, Siti Nuri Nurhaidah, Mudrikatul Arafah


Zakah for Development and Civilisation (Analysis of HAMKA's Thought in Tafsir Al Azhar)

Oneng Nurul Bariyah, Siti Rohmah, Lukmanul Hakim, Mutiara Safwah


The Use of Digital Platforms in Zakat Management in South Kalimantan: Maqashid Sharia Perspective

Sri Maulida, Fahmi Al Amruzi, Budi Rahmat Hakim, Irfan Syauqi Beik


Mosque, Baitul Maal, Community Empowerment; Case Study in Ar-Rahmah Mosque

Dimas M. Ghozali, Noven Lukito Hadi Saputro, Try Ma'arifan Najib


Analysis Of Community Welfare Level at Kampung Berkah Program Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) Sragen with Perspective Zakat Village Index

Nurzidta Okta Rinanda, Rakhmawati ., Meisyaroh Catur Wulandari, Bhimo Rizky Samudro, Mulyanto .


The Role of Zakat in Achieving SDGs: A Literature Review

Akhmad Dairoby, Muhammad Faza Akbar
