Risk Analysis of Productive Zakat Distribution and Mustahik Welfare Based on the CIBEST Model

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Nurifa Adha Norma Rosyidah


Poverty occurs due to natural and economic conditions, but based on the percentage of poor people, which fell to 9.54 (BPS), this proves that there are efforts to deal with poverty. Dompet Dhuafa distributes its productive zakat through an empowerment program, in this case. According to Sharia, this zakat distribution activity can be effective and safe if it does not conflict with the Al-Quran or hadith, but this does not rule out the possibility of risks in its operations. This research focuses on analyzing distribution risks and measuring the welfare of Mustahik based on the CIBEST model. The method uses a qualitative-quantitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques were obtained through observation, interviews, documentation and questionnaires to several Mustahiq respondents. The research results show that there are distribution risks through the assessment, planning, monitoring, evaluation and follow-up planning processes, such as inflated budgeting, non-compliance with the predetermined timeline, subjectivity in mustahiq assessments, not being on target, non-conformity with the priority scale, mustahiq complaints related to inconsistencies in the expected assistance. There are changes in the conditions of Mustahik before and after receiving assistance using the CIBEST model. CIBEST model calculation results before and after Dompet Dhuafa's productive zakat are categorized into four quadrants. Quadrant I, from 1 RT, increased to 5 RT. Quadrant II, it is known that 7 RTs have decreased to 3 RTs. Quadrant III and Quadrant IV did not find any RT included in them. Meanwhile, the CIBEST index calculation results show that before and after the productive zakat assistance from Dompet Dhuafa, it was 12.5% ​​to 62.5% in the prosperous category, 87.5% to 37.5% in the material poor category, 0% in the spiritual poor category and 0 % for the absolute poor category


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How to Cite
Adha, N., & Rosyidah, N. (2024, May 6). Risk Analysis of Productive Zakat Distribution and Mustahik Welfare Based on the CIBEST Model. Indonesian Conference of Zakat - Proceedings, 335-345. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.37706/iconz.2023.626