Implementation of Accountability and Transparency Zakat: BAZNAS Digital Transformation Innovation in an Effort to Enhance Social Impact

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Galung Triko Julita Nurmasari


In the attempt to alleviate poverty, zakat is one of the drivers of social development. In addition to being a third tenet of Islam, zakat plays a part in the fulfillment of social well-being as one of the strategies for attaining national objectives of social and economic justice in Indonesia. As major foundations of the Zakat movement, Amil Zakat Institutions (LAZs) such as BAZNAS and other LAZs are supposed to assist the government in implementing these principles. It is critical for every LAZ to establish accountability and transparency in the collecting and distribution of precisely targeted zakat, especially in this age of information openness and media digitalization. Gaining the trust and moral support of zakat (Muzakki), beneficiaries (Mustahiq), and the general public is critical. LAZ must develop innovation through Digital Transformation for publication needs and services as part of the institution's transparency to stakeholders and shareholders participating in fund management operations. The use of significant digital media is done in accordance with the growth of the times and trends in society, using methods of communication linked to the Internet.


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How to Cite
Triko, G., & Nurmasari, J. (2024, May 3). Implementation of Accountability and Transparency Zakat: BAZNAS Digital Transformation Innovation in an Effort to Enhance Social Impact. Indonesian Conference of Zakat - Proceedings, 391-397.