LAZISMU Digital Transformation

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Erni Juliana Juliana


In this 4.0 era, digital technology has become an inseparable part of human life. The way humans communicate and interact in meeting material and spiritual needs has changed, including entities in the field of philanthropy such as LAZISMU. Digital technology makes the process of managing Zakat, Infaq, Alms, and other religious funds (ZISKA) at LAZISMU faster, more efficient, and transparent. However, the development of digital systems is still constrained by various factors: the readiness of amil resources, infrastructure, budget, and organizational consistency. This study describes the history of LAZISMU's digital transformation, the priorities of LAZISMU's digital development, how LAZISMU's digital fundraising is carried out, and its impact on ZISKA's fundraising. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. The data sources are obtained from direct interviews with LAZISMU amil, field observations, LAZISMU internal documents, and other references from books and scientific journals. The study results found that LAZISMU has started the digital transformation process in 2017, partnering with an existing digital donation platform and building its own platform. The impact is quite significant in raising funds. LAZISMU already has an adequate SOP for digitizing fundraising. Meanwhile, in terms of organizational consistency and the capacity of amil resources, it still requires development.


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How to Cite
Juliana, E. (2022, February 4). LAZISMU Digital Transformation. Indonesian Conference of Zakat - Proceedings, 287-300.