The Role of Productive Zakat to The Mustahik Prosperity in Banjarbaru

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Nurul Hidayah Mulfi Aulia


This research aims to determine the mechanism for productive zakat empowerment in BAZNAS at City of Banjarbaru City as well as to determine the role of productive zakat empowerment in the mustahik prosperity. This research uses a qualitative method using indepth interviews. The primary data used is the result of an interview with zakat distribution & utilization staff at BAZNAS Banjarbaru. The results of the study show that firstly, the mechanism for empower productive zakat at BAZNAS Banjarbaru has four stages, namely accepting mustahik prospective, preparing programs and verifying mustahik data, surveying the feasibility of mustahik, and optimizing the benefits of productive zakat. These two facts about the productive use of zakat play a role in improving the welfare of mustahik, especially in the BAZNAS environment in Banjarbaru.


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How to Cite
Hidayah, N., & Aulia, M. (2024, May 6). The Role of Productive Zakat to The Mustahik Prosperity in Banjarbaru. Indonesian Conference of Zakat - Proceedings, 383-390.